Cemetery of the Innocents


Hosting a display that shows the magnitude of lives affected by abortion, is a gentle and peaceful way of informing your campus of why it’s important to take a stand for life. Sometimes our peers just don’t understand the extent of lives taken by abortion each day. It’s our job to remind them! Use the event guide below to host an effective Cemetery of the Innocents display.

Step 1

Find or make crosses!

  1. Do any other pro-life groups in your area do cemetery displays? Ask to borrow their crosses! Think: Churches, Religious Schools, Right to Life groups, etc.
  2. Make them yourself! If you are wanting to display 300 crosses, each one representing 10 lives lost from abortion, you will need help making them. One idea is to use paint stirring sticks and wire them together. You can get these for free at local paint stores.
  3. Ask your Regional Coordinator! Your Regional Coordinator may be able to provide your group with little pink crosses from SFLA.
Step 2

Reserve a space for the display.

  1. A high-traffic outside area will be best due to the space you will need. Try to host the display for multiple days with different class schedules in order to reach more students. We recommend the time slot of 9am-2pm.
  2. Make sure to reserve the space for set up and clean up as well. If you host it from 9 am-2 pm, reserve the space for a few hours before or the night before to start setting up the crosses.
  3. High Schools- Ask for permission to display your crosses on the front lawn. Put-up a sign explaining what it is so that students can read it on their way into school. You can also stick your crosses into large sheets of Styrofoam and display them during lunch periods!
Step 3

Figure out the logistics of the display.

  1. Keeping your lines straight for displaying the crosses can be tough. Cut string to the desired length, tether each end to a stake, and use that as a guide to keep straight lines.
  2. How will the crosses stay in the ground? You may want to bring hammers in case the ground is hard!
  3. Determine how you plan to explain the display (a sign or flyers that explain the reason for the display). 
  4. Take a picture of the display right when you finish setting up so you know if anyone tampers with it.
  5. Notify campus security of the event. 
Step 4

Create flyers.

  1. Ask one of your artistic group members to create quarter or half sheet flyers for the display. Make sure the flyers explain that each of the 300 crosses represents 10 lives lost to abortion in the U.S. each day.
  2. Include post-abortion resources and your local pregnancy resource center information, in addition to ways that students can get involved with your group at the bottom (next meeting time, social media, email, etc.).
  3. If you plan to hand out flyers, you could set up a table for people to ask questions.
Step 5

Organize workers for the display.

  1. Ask members to sign-up for shifts to host the display. Assign at least two members at all times to be present. Set-up at least 1 hour before starting the display, and both set-up and take-down will require multiple people.
  2. Ask your Regional Coordinator to give your group an “Apologetics” training so that group members are prepared for any tough questions they may get.
  3. Make sure to assign a few group members to take pictures or videos of anything that happens at the display.
Step 5

Work the display.

  1. Today is the day! Your hard work is about to pay off! Make sure to print out your space reservation information to have on hand.
  2. As you hand out flyers to students, smile and say, “Here’s some information on our display!” If someone is upset and angry, stay calm.
  3. Remember, you don’t know their story. They may have had an abortion in their past. You are representing your group, Students for Life of America, and the pro-life movement. Be loving, be kind, be truthful and your display will touch many people.

SFLA Resources to Request from your Regional Coordinator: 

  1. “Fetal Development” info cards
  2. “Roe & Doe” info cards
  3. "Is This Alive?" info cards
  4. "Abortion. A Simple Procedure?" info cards
  5. "Do You See Me Now?" info cards

Email [yourstate]@studentsforlife.org to connect with your SFLA Regional Coordinator!

Request a Training From Your Regional Coordinator

Click here to request the "Embracing Controversy", "Apologetics 101/201" or the "Fetal Development" training for this event from your Regional Coordinator. 

Click here for free training

Other Effective Education Event Ideas

Log into SFLAHQ for more resources to Educate and Recruit!

  • Cemetery of the Innocents
  • Host a Pro-Life Speaker
  • Chalking on Campus
  • Flyering Campaign
  • and many more!

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